ago. May 23: Added ability to compare your DPS against a second setup. ago For that master clue step that requires a crystal bow. Explore . 190. RCB let's you use a prayer bonus or tank shield, the benefit of enchanted bolts is debatable. It hits often and hard so i’m pretty sure its better than crystal. 4 to compare it to the rcb. 118 TravagGames Youtube Content Creator • 2 yr. If you cant afford that karils x bow is the way. Pretty neat update that flew under the radar. It's better than the attuned crystal bow in almost every way. The low defence can be mitigated by just bring ancients or more brews. You should just kill the respiratory system with trident imo, or with an ancient staff with blood spells if you don't PoH every kill. If. TLDR: Before Blowpipe (or twisted bow), Karil's Crossbow is the highest DPS range weapon at Zulrah. 8. Blowpipe is similar to bowfa if you BGS spec down phase 3 and phase 3 enrage. Scales r expensive. Yes, blowpipe is still meta for fight caves. Reply Darcasm •. People are so crazy, they said this was not end game content, the bow is not supposed to be bis anywhere, it's supposed to be a step between crystal bow and bowfa, the only ranged weapons that cost more than 1m but less than 100m are dragon crossbow, blowpipe and armadyl crossbow, I guess craws bow and dhcb too but those are specific use. Blessed d hide for pray bonus. Yup its definitely is, Ive been telling people DHCB and then switching to BP with rune or drag darts around 35% is better than just like straight BP with rune darts and everyone. 2m (dragon+cannon). ago. Crystal armor with old crystal bow was respirator meta before so I’d imagine new bow is just a straight buff for those. ago. General Graardor/Strategies. (97-99 Range w/ Eagle Eye). Blow pipe is obviously the best but the extra 24k/hr isnt worth the insanely large cost increase in my opinion. Kargush • 1 yr. . Melee setup with zamorakian hasta. I'm nearing 95 slayer and is starting to ponder which gear setup to use at the Hydra. Bofa is hella worth it. I don't really know spawn time, but it will be the same for either method, so lets go for 30 seconds. (260 magic attack/100 general defense, with 150 magical defense and 45 ranged defense) Blowpipe with rune darts gets the edge over DHCB with ruby. I'm only playing on mobile, so blowpipe seems like. Enjoy! Old School RuneScape Browse. Dart Changes The biggest difference in our newest proposal is the way we’re balancing Darts. koflem • 10 mo. The bofa wasn’t able to be unlocked until later. Advertisement Coins. The damage dealt in total will still be the same, but will land 0. Crystal Bow + Armour for around 800 kills at Hydra averaged around 2:15-30 kills. . Completed demonics with a crystal bow before I got a blowpipe. 0/2. Toxic blowpipe (Dragon darts) Bow of faerdhinen (With crystal armour) Toxic blowpipe (Amethyst darts) Twisted bow: Armadyl crossbow: Twisted buckler: Odium ward: Book of law: Unholy book: N/A: Rada's blessing 4 (Toxic blowpipe or Bow of faerdhinen) God blessing / Rada's blessing 3/2 (Toxic blowpipe or Bow of faerdhinen) Diamond dragon. I'll bring the blowpipe anyway but wandering if it's worth keeping my rcb with bolt switches or if the blowpipe would be good enough alone. It is created by combining Craw's bow with the Fangs of Venenatis. Its not really an issue though you just gotta run around a bit more. If you’re keen to Zulrah, by all means though. I don't see a good reasonSara is probably the worst money in the GWD due to the rarity of the drops, and kc/key farming for it is a pain. Blowpipe vs Crystal armor + Crystal bow GIM group has enough seeds for a second set of Crystal armor but I don't have an enhanced weapon seed yet. The Crystal Bow is an iconic Tier 70 Ranged weapon, known for having one of the longest attack ranges in the game - and not requiring arrows to shoot! It can be used by players on a budget, and is great for those that cannot afford (or are yet to unlock) the Toxic Blowpipe. Welcome to the 4th video of my new kind of video series. Since im struggling on DPS with the bp. Option 2: Rune cbow/ amethyst bolts. Instructions. Against ammonites a blowpipe with adamant darts will still be 23. Also means don't need to use scales to get scales, 100% scale profit for ironmemes. It’s far better than bp in countless places. Rcb is definitelly underrated at shamans, you miss out on a lot of attacks with msb when running around and due to shamans jumping, and the slower rcb is less affected. In a lot of rooms in normal cox, t bow was never meta. Currently, Crystal Armours have a special set effect where each piece will give a 3% damage boost and a 6% accuracy bonus to the Crystal Bow. 1. Every post before this one is completely unconstructive or a shitpost/meme. Magic Max Hit. The bow's. But I generally just bp everything else. If you're using msb (I) at zulrah you can swap to the ballista for the last hit since it's large attack cool down won't matter. Tested out the Twisted Bow only method with Masori Armor at Zulrah. To get a Tanzanite Fang, you must kill Zulrah and receive a Tanzanite Fang. New Full 9/10 8/10 7/10 6/10 5/10 4/10 3/10. MSB (I) vs Blowpipe. Demonic gorillas are level 275 monsters that can be fought after the completion of Monkey Madness II. Crystal bow, msb (i) with rune arrows, rcb with runite bolts are all good options with pros and cons dps / prayer bonus you can bring / ease of ammo acquisition. Think of it as a mini tbow, because that’s basically what it is. Some images of Bitterkoejke DPS calc: Set 1 is Addy. Having a god book also helps with saving on ppots, and it also performs better when your ranging pots start ticking down. 87 dps BIS range Ruby Dragon bolts) Zaryte Crossbow(7. Bow of faerdhinen: Twisted bow: Karil's crossbow: Rune crossbow / Magic shortbow (i) / Crystal bow: None if using two-handed weapons. Heavy ballista can hit 50 using it as last hit weapon. And I think that the dps increase from pipe to Faerdhinen on Jad himself is so negligible, I'd recommend any theoretical "new players" who happen to just have a Faerdhinen (with a full set of crystal) sitting around to just bring an extra potion instead. Cry bow is good for doing wild elites and shield for certain bosses where you want huge ranged defence, such as dks. Suggested skills [ edit | edit source] It's never a bad weapon to use unless a monster is specifically invulnerable to Ranged, you’re forced to wear a shield, or you are attacking a creature that the Blowpipe cannot reach (such as TzKal-Zuk). Like Vet'ion, she is weakest to crush. 2021 Jul 21: Added new Arceuus combat spells. ago. Use any dart lower than dragon and it's just no contest. Bow of Faerdhinen: 80 +128 +106 120,554,646: Has the highest ranged bonus of any ranged weapon, including a +106 Ranged Strength bonus. 11748. 3K subscribers Subscribe 64K views 1 year ago A complete analysis of the Bow of Faerdhinen,. Bow is crazy good in CoX where blowpipe is pretty much good at tightrope and baby muttadile. Currently, Crystal Armours have a special set effect where each piece will give a 3% damage boost and 6% accuracy bonus to the Crystal Bow. I bring a blowpipe and crossbow/bofa on my runs. The only real benefit of rcb would be the extra range for zebak depending on boulder/wave placement, and reduced scales usage. A blowpipe is 40-50% better than any of these options. Definitely viable, pretty much on par with rcb just use which feels better. Even with amethyst arrows, pretty sure Karil's is better than MSB (I), only by about 5%, but still better. clickherebaby • 4 yr. I’m consistently MvPing Ba-Ba, Zebak, and the whole raid in general against a team of Bowfas. Ranged Max Hit. 1K. ago. You may convert the fang into the Toxic Blowpipe with 53 Crafting. it helps with luring the healers on jad ALOT/you can sit in a corner and. . Join my discord: this brief video i try out the nerfed version of the blowpipe on the newly added Equipment Beta servers, i comp. Sword_Frog • 6 yr. Gaming. In fact, BP remains a better option than both MSB (i) and RCB until you start fighting a monster with ~350 defence at which point the. Testing the Bow of Faerdhinen (NEW OSRS WEAPON)This was super interesting to test out, and I will probably do another video today or tomorrow on other places. I currently have neither Bowfa, blowpipe or 92 mining. It gets assblasted by the blowpipe at every monster. It’s hard to bring mage switch simply because bofa does so well on green snake already and you don’t know rotation until the second or third snakeShould save you a few hundred damage every kc. Rune crossbow with diamond e bolts and the crystal shield is the best option. The weapon comes with a +95 range bonus with a 30% increase for accuracy and damage when used against dragons. ago. Crystal bow is great for dks and fight caves if you can't afford acb or blowpipe. Dragon dart blowpipe would be 4. Make sure you have enough for bowfa, armor and plenty of shards. ago. Bows are ranged weapons. Should I expect to be able to get through the fight caves with a full crystal bow? Should I: A: Recharge the 2/10 bow and bring only that. Previously, we reduced the Ranged accuracy and strength of most of them, whilst slightly increasing the Ranged strength of Rune and Dragon Darts to help create a greater gap between them and the lower tiers. Special attacks don't count. He forgot to mention that even though it is less DPS than blowpipe, you don't use any ammo/charges with the bow from gauntlet, therefor it is very much worth grinding it out for. Players using the blowpipe have a 25% chance of inflicting. Pipe is still forever best for waves. For Ba-Ba I spec and primarily camp ZCB. Golfingtee7 • 2 yr. Just bring a crystal bow switch if you have issues with distance. dragon hunter c bow and arma c bow are also better then drag c bow. level 1. 8m to fully charge, resulting in ~ 75gp per shot, excluding darts. When fully charged, it has a Ranged attack bonus surpassing that of the Rune crossbow. You can imbue Crystal Bow for 20,000 NMZ points and it will retain maximum stats from new till seed. Also if the rocks u have to stand behind are far back, u just cannot attack with blowpipe and waste dps. In an idea situation blowpipe is a significant upgrade, but that room is basically never ideal. Dhcb is bolt switch. For. Today I tested out some DPS calculations at Akkha in Tombs of amascut. I'm also wondering if it's better to kill demonics using full crystal (including the helmet) off task or to use a black mask on task. Wouldn't say no to crystal bow but its not the best. Think of BOFA and Crystal armor as in between. I did my bowfa grind without rigour, but I had augury and used the staff mostly. Im running an basic mage setup, and running elite void with blowpipe currently. Option 1 should result in faster kills. Drspeed7 • 2 yr. D: Bring a full bow and grind some bolts from LMS to bring with RCB. It's worse 1-hit chance than decimation. Join. you8 miss out on the slayer helm bonus with the armour though. Players without the required level to combine the items may ask Derse Venator in Ferox Enclave to do so instead, for a fee of 500,000 coins. Had to push it back from Tuesday to Wednesday due to previous vid. If you want to go that route, go for it. Crystal, and it's not close. Blowpipe is quite a bit faster while the RCB has a bit more range. 2. imbued bows have the same accuracy and ranged strength as 10/10 bows. 538dps = 33. Its strength is its speed. I did a bowfa cape. Crystal bows range is great for handling the healers. Avg 3:40 on my kills. A MSB (i) with rune arrows is higher DPS than a RCB with broad bolts. If it's higher than that, it's more profitable to use a blowpipe. ago. Tbow is fastest imho. items were returned and lesson was taught. Old School RuneScape. This is a guide for killing General Graardor with Melee and Ranged. Pretty similar to bp. this includes comparisons between the Tumeken's Shadow, Sanguinesti staff, Blowpipe, T. I would say hexhunter. archers ring (i)Blowpipe hits every 3 ticks! (75 ranged) Blowpipe Max Hit with mithril and adamant darts: 31 on task. The only way to get out of Zulrah's shrine is through victory, death, logout or teleportation. Fbow has max range same as tbow. But if you have to ask if something is OK, I think you already know the answer. Today I tested out some DPS calculations at Akkha in Tombs of amascut. 4. Even Vorkath at like half speed should be better money than Zulrah. interesting, thank you.